Для приема логов на сервере Wndows 2008 от маршрутизатора нашел вот такой замечательные скрипт, который работает у меня уже несколько лет.
# SysLog.ps1
# A basic SysLog server. Behaviour should be fairly consistent with
# RFC 3164 (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3164.txt).
# Network Configuration
$SysLogPort = 514 # Default SysLog Port
$Buffer = New-Object Byte[] 1024 # Maximum SysLog message size
# Server Configuration
$EnableMessageValidation = $True # Enable check of the PRI and Header
$EnableRelay = $True # Enable relay to $RelayTargetIP
$EnableLocalLogging = $True # Enable local logging of received messages
$EnableConsoleLogging = $False # Enable logging to the console
$EnableHostNameLookup = $True # Lookup hostname for connecting IP
$EnableHostNamesOnly = $True # Uses Host Name only instead of FQDNs
$RelayTargetIP = "" # Must be an IP Address
$LogFolder = "C:SysLogLogFiles" # Path must exist
# Global variables used to store day and date-stamp for log roll-over
$Day = (Get-Date).Day
$DateStamp = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy.MM.dd")
# Relay Initialisation
If ($EnableRelay)
$RelayTarget = [Net.IPAddress]::Parse($RelayTargetIP)
$RelayTargetEndPoint = New-Object Net.IPEndPoint($RelayTarget, $SysLogPort)
# A launcher for the process
# Caller: Manual / Script
Function Start-SysLog
$Socket = CreateSocket
StartReceive $Socket
# Create and bind to the socket
# Caller: Start-SysLog
Function CreateSocket
$Socket = New-Object Net.Sockets.Socket(
$ServerIPEndPoint = New-Object Net.IPEndPoint(
Return $Socket
# Recieve a single message
# Caller: Start-SysLog
Function StartReceive([Net.Sockets.Socket]$Socket)
# Placeholder to store source of incoming packet
$SenderIPEndPoint = New-Object Net.IPEndPoint([Net.IPAddress]::Any, 0)
$SenderEndPoint = [Net.EndPoint]$SenderIPEndPoint
$ServerRunning = $True
While ($ServerRunning -eq $True)
$BytesReceived = $Socket.ReceiveFrom($Buffer, [Ref]$SenderEndPoint)
$Message = $Buffer[0..$($BytesReceived - 1)]
$Message = ValidateMessage $Message $SenderEndPoint.Address.IPAddressToString
If ($EnableRelay)
RelayMessage $Socket $Message
# Relay the message to an upstream SysLog server. Either basic forwarding,
# or full validation.
# Caller: StartReceive
Function RelayMessage([Net.Sockets.Socket]$Socket, [Byte[]]$Message)
[Void]$Socket.SendTo($Message, $RelayTargetEndPoint)
# Check the validity of the message (if option is enabled). Adjust message
# according to recommendations in RFC 3164.
# Caller: StartReceive
Function ValidateMessage([Byte[]]$Message, [String]$HostName)
If ($EnableMessageValidation)
$MessageString = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($Message)
If (IsValidPRI($MessageString))
If (!(IsValidDateTime($MessageString)))
$PRI = [Int]($MessageString -Replace "<|>.*")
$HostName = GetHostName $HostName
$MessageString = "<$PRI>$(NewDateTimeString) $HostName $MessageString"
$Message = EncodeMessage $MessageString
$HostName = GetHostName $HostName
$MessageString = "$(NewDateTimeString) $HostName $MessageString"
$Message = EncodeMessage $MessageString
If ($EnableLocalLogging -Or $EnableConsoleLogging)
If ($MessageString -eq $Null)
$MessageString = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($Message)
If ($EnableLocalLogging) { WriteToLog $MessageString $HostName }
If ($EnableConsoleLogging) { Write-Host $MessageString }
Return $Message
# Validate the PRI (Priority Field - Facility and Severity)
# No parsing is performed. No network prioritisation is implemented
# Caller: ValidateMessage
Function IsValidPRI([String]$MessageString)
If ($MessageString.SubString(0, 1) -ne "<") { Return $False } If (!$MessageString.SubString(2, 3).Contains(">"))
Return $False
$PRI = [Int]($MessageString -Replace "<|>.*")
# PRI = (Facility * 8) + Severity. Maximum and minimum values from RFC 3164
If ($PRI -lt 1 -Or $PRI -gt 191)
Return $False
Return $True
# Validate the TimeStamp formatting
# Caller: ValidateMessage
Function IsValidDateTime([String]$MessageString)
$IsValid = $False
If ($MessageString -Match "(?<=>)w{3}ss?d{1,2}s(dd:){2}dd(?=s)")
$Date = New-Object DateTime
ForEach ($Format in @("MMM d hh:mm:ss", "MMM dd hh:mm:ss"))
$Date = New-Object DateTime
$IsValid = [DateTime]::TryParseExact(
If ($IsValid) { Return $True }
Return $False
# Create a new DateTime String
# Caller: ValidateMessage
Function NewDateTimeString
$Date = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()
If ($Date.Day -lt 10)
Return $Date.ToString("MMM d HH:mm:ss")
Return $Date.ToString("MMM dd HH:mm:ss")
# Attempt to lookup the HostName if an IP value was passed.
# [Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry fails to return if a Forward Lookup record
# does not exist. NsLookup as a simple alternative.
# Caller: ValidateMessage
Function GetHostName([String]$HostName)
If (!$EnableHostNameLookup) { Return $HostName }
If ([Net.IPAddress]::TryParse($HostName, [Ref]$Null))
$Temp = (nslookup -q=ptr $HostName | ?{ $_ -Like "*name = *" })
$Temp = $Temp -Replace ".*name = "
If ($Temp -ne [String]::Empty) { $HostName = $Temp }
If ($EnableHostNamesOnly)
Return $HostName.Split(".")[0]
Return $HostName
# Returns a Byte Array representation of the original message.
# If the length is greater than 1024 Bytes the array is truncated
# as stipulated under RFC 3164.
# Caller: ValidateMessage
Function EncodeMessage([String]$MessageString)
$Message = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($MessageString)
If ($Message.Length -gt 1024)
Return $Message[0..1023]
Return $Message
# Maintain a per-host log file in the $LogFolder
# Script does not clean up old log files
# Caller: ValidateMessage
Function WriteToLog([String]$MessageString, [String]$HostName)
# Simple time based roll-over check
If ((Get-Date).Day -ne $Day)
$Day = (Get-Date).Day
$DateStamp = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy.MM.dd")
$LogFile = "$LogFolder$HostName-$DateStamp.log"
$MessageString >> $LogFile
# Start the server